…read about the making of the original Spaghetti Donut. POP PASTA AT URBANSPACE VANDERBILT! • POP PASTA AT URBANSPACE VANDERBILT! • POP PASTA AT URBANSPACE VANDERBILT! • VISIT OUR SHOP IN MANHATTAN ORDER HERE! As seen on TV! “Mine is delicious. I would eat a dozen of these donuts!” —Rachael Ray Heard at our markets… . . “Spaghetti on the go—that is really smart!”“Does it taste like spaghetti or like a donut?”“Genius!”“The idea is great. It’s a fusion of the two cultures.” “I came to NY just for this!”“Never heard of a spaghetti donut, ever!”“That’s a great idea, beautiful.”“Spaghetti in a handheld form—so smart.”